October 27, 28 and 29th

Message to Parents & Guardians:

The November newsletter was sent home with your child on Thursday. Please check it out for upcoming important dates. 

This Weeks Learning Highlights:

This week the students were very excited about the upcoming holiday, Halloween! We focused our learning on Halloween themed activities that students loved!

We used our knowledge of basic shapes and created shape pumpkins! The kids got very creative and loved this activity! See how many triangles, squares, circles and rectangles you can spot.

We also explored different words that began with our letter "S" sound. We created "S Spiders" with them. See what halloween themed and sight words that begin with "S" that you can see.

We also were excited about pumpkins and what they looked like, felt like, tasted like (we didn't taste them just talked about it), smelled like and sounded like. We used our five senses to help us explore them and look what we came up with!

When it was time to use one of our five senses for touch we decided to use the seed to show our knowledge of numbers and how they can be represented in different ways including using ten's frames. Look what we came up with!

It was a great week and we look forward to next week! Have a fun and safe Halloween weekend everyone!

Important Dates to Remember:

October 26 - Hot soup starts today

  • Students must have a signed permission form

October 29 - Wear your favourite t-shirt today

October 30 - No School, Professional Development Day for Teachers

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

 Message to Parents & Guardians

With your child, please discuss expected and unexpected behaviours when playing outside on the field or playground. Discuss strategies your child can do to avoid conflict or negative situations. 

As a reminder to all students, the first statement in Student Code of Conduct agreement is: 

The Calgary Board of Education is 

committed to providing students and staff with 

a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that 

respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.

Thank you to all the students who work hard make Vista Heights a better place by being kind and making positive choices. 

Today's Learning Highlights: 

Scientists in room one and four have been learning about the sense of sight. Today, we looked at understanding how people adapt to the world when they do not have the sense of sight. 

Ask your child about the Braille alphabet. 

Students can use this video link to review the invention of the Braille Alphabet. 

First, we tried reading with our eyes open.

That was easy peazy! 

Now let's try with our eyes covered. 

Then we created a journal page. 
We practiced what our name would look like and wrote three facts about the invention of Braille. 

Our last step was to create our names using beans. We followed the Braille System based on a rectangle made up of six dots, numbered pone to six, in a group known as a Braille cell. 

Ask me about the process and how I was able to follow instructions. 

Important Dates to Remember:

October 23 - Hot soup lunch forms due today 
  • Forms were sent home on October 13th, Orange Form 

October 26 - Hot soup starts today
  • Students must have a signed permission form 

October 29 - Wear your favourite t-shirt today 

October 30 - No School, Professional Development Day for Teachers 

Wednesday, October 16th, 2020

 Message to Parents & Guardians: 

Dress in your favourite outfit. 
Brush your teeth and wash your face.
Put on a smile. 

Monday, October 19th is School Photo Day!

Today's Learning Highlights: 

Room One Students had the opportunity to learn with Mrs. Reimer. Students are now able to sign out two books for the week. Books will be kept in our classroom. This process will follow CBE and AHS guidelines for keeping everyone safe. 

Ask your child about the process for signing out books. 

Ask your child about the book they picked to read.

Important Dates to Remember:

October 23 - Hot soup lunch forms due today 
  • Forms were sent home on October 13th, Orange Form 

October 26 - Hot soup starts today
  • Students must have a signed permission form 

October 29 - Wear your favourite t-shirt today 

October 30 - No School, Professional Development Day for Teachers 

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

 Message to Parents & Guardians: 

If this will be your first time experiencing the Fall season in Calgary, Welcome! It changes minute by minute and sometimes it is extreme changes and fluctuations. 

Please send your child prepared to be outside during Physical Education. This class is a 30 minute period with Mr. Pivarnyik.

Room One and Four students usually have a morning and afternoon recess block. The fresh air and unstructured supervised play is important for students to receive on a daily basis. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately or has the necessary items in their backpack. 

In the event of severe weather conditions, students will be kept inside. At this time, it is still favourable conditions for students to be outside. 

Look what we discovered and enjoyed today being outside
Thank you to all the students who cooperated to build several snowman. 

Today's Learning Highlights: 

Room One Students used their recording sheet during morning calendar to demonstrate their understanding of Mathematics and Language Arts concepts. Ask your child which recording sheet they chose to use and why. 

Connection to The Alberta Program of Studies

Grade 1

  • Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by: 
1s forward between any two given numbers  
1s backward from 20 to 0  
2s forward from 0 to 20  
5s and 10s forward from 0 to 100.
  • Represent and describe numbers to 20, concretely, pictorially and symbolically
  • Identify the number, up to 20
  • Describe and use mental mathematics strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18. 

Patterns and Relations 
  • Record equalities, using the equal symbol.

Grade 2

  • Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by:
 * 2s, 5s and 10s, forward and backward, using starting points that are multiples of 2, 5 and 10 respectively 
* 10s, using starting points from 1 to 9 
* 2s, starting from 1.
  • Describe order or relative position, using ordinal numbers (up to tenth).
  • Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
  • Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 100.
  • Apply mental mathematics strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.

Patterns and Relations
  • Record equalities and inequalities symbolically, using the equal symbol or the not equal symbol.

Space and Shape 
  • Relate the number of days to a week and the number of months to a year in a problem-solving context.

1-2 Clarify and Extend 
  • group ideas and information into categories determined by an adult (Grade 1) 
  • record ideas and information in ways that make sense (Grade 2)

4-3 Present and Share 
  • Speak in a clear voice, with appropriate volume to an audience (Grade 1) 
  • Speak in a clear voice, with appropriate volume, at an understandable pace and with expression 
** Not all Learner Outcomes are listed **


Ask your child about what is an optical illusion. How does this connect to our learning about the 5 senses, specifically the sense of sight?

Here are some examples from Google that we explored today in science: 

Connection to The Alberta Program of Studies
1-10: Describe the role of the human sense and the senses of other living things, in enabling perception and action. 

  • Recognize the limitations of our senses and identify situations where our senses can mislead us: example feeling hot or cold, optical illusions, tasting with a plugged nose.

** Not all Learner Outcomes are listed **

Important Dates to Remember:

October 19 - School photographs.
  • There will be no class photographs taken this year

October 23 - Hot soup lunch forms due today 
  • Forms were sent home on October 13th, Orange Form 

October 26 - Hot soup starts today
  • Students must have a signed permission form 

October 29 - Wear your favourite t-shirt today 

October 30 - No School, Professional Development Day for Teachers