Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Message to Parents & Guardians: 

Thank you adults for all the preparation you did at home to get your child ready for school. It was evident that you did some practicing and discussing about our new normal.

We are so excited to have our school filled with students that are excited to learn, explore and grow.

As learning is underway at Vista Heights, we ask that you continue to be patient and understanding with us as we navigate this school year.

We look forward to working with you and your child in the 2020 - 2021 School year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

* Students must take home all their items from lunch. This includes all garbage and unfinished food. We recommend you send a small baggy for them to use for unwanted items. This follows guidelines set by the Calgary Board of Education.
* All students should have received two masks for their use. Please send a clean mask everyday school day.
* Please send a water bottle each day.  Drinking water helps keep us healthy.

Today's Learning Highlights: 

Ask your child about how to properly wash their hands.
Check out this link about proper hand washing:

Today students said they enjoyed: 
* Dance Moves from Cosmic Yoga
* Playing at the Park
* Playing in the Gym

Important Dates to Remember: 

September 8
* Parent Council Meeting at 6:30

September 24 & 25
* Parent Teacher Conferences

September 25
* No School for Students