May 28th, 2021

 Message to Parents & Guardians:

  • Please send an extra mask everyday to school for your child. With the warmer weather, many students are misplacing their masks when they go outside. 
  • Ask your child about our topic of study in Science 
  • Ask your child to tell you about a Sit Spot 

Learning Highlights:

Scientists in room one are exploring the concept of sinking, floating, fluid displacement and buoyancy. Today Scientists manipulated a paper boat in order to enhance and change the original design. The goal was to get the paper boat to float.  Can you see the different materials that the students could choose? 

During Literacy today, we experienced the Indigenous concept of Sit Spots. During this time, the class went outside to take advantage of learning through nature. Students were given the direction to sit away from their peers, be still, listen to the sounds, observe their surroundings. Can you hear the robin the video?


Important Dates to Remember: